Rockwork Island

Once in a while you may find yourself apart from your Lego collection for longer periods of time. For me, these are the times to experiment in one of the many digital Lego designer tools that are around! In this case I decided to try my hand at creating realistic rockwork in DBG (Dark Bluish…

Element Experimentation: Bamboo Grass

I know most of my techniques come with some serious investment requirements, but not so today! Because all you actually need is just bamboo ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s pretty cheap, and can often be found in Pick-a-Brick walls. So this is a technique that hopefully anyone can afford ๐Ÿ™‚ The drawback, of course, is the quality. There…

Element Experimentation: Leafy Underbrush

An attempt to get a bit of a wilder look from the plume feathers, by utilising the 6 pronged plant piece. At this point it hardly qualifies as grass anymore and is more of a heavy underbrush in a light forest. This could probably also be used to represent bushes like rhododendron or similar if…

Element Experimentation: Cattle Horn Grass

Yet another grass technique. Have used this technique before, but wanted to try to make it even more dense, and this is the result. Again, quite an expensive technique as green cattle horns aren’t the cheapest. I also wanted to see if this could be made to look like short grass, but even with a…

Element Experimentation: Carrot Top Grass

Another grass technique. This time made from Bright Green carrot tops. It has pretty good coverage, and it’s pretty cheap if built with flick missiles which cost next to nothing. Carrot tops are also not as expensive as many other grass parts. The look leaves some to be desired though, as I feel it has…

Element Experimentation: Christmas Wreath

‘Tis the season! At least, that’s what my kids tell me ๐Ÿ˜‰ Not sure how much longer I can hold off on putting up all the Christmas decor ๐Ÿ˜€ I don’t think I’ve ever used LEGO rubber bands for a MOC, but it works pretty nicely for the Christmas wreath here ๐Ÿ™‚

Element Experimentation: Cherry Blossom

A microscale cherry blossom. The street outside our house is lined with these, so every Spring we get to enjoy an overdose of beautiful white flowers ๐Ÿ™‚ A rather simple build as Autumn break is upon us, and lego time is limited ๐Ÿ˜‰ From what I’ve seen 3742c01 – Plant Flower Small, 4 on Sprue…