Coral Bleaching

Coral bleaching is an effect of our seas heating up. As temperatures rise, corals expel the algae living inside them, leaving them completely white. Though this does not actually kill the corals, it weakens them and many of the corals never recover. This build was my entry to LEGO IDEAS contest ‘HELP DECORATE THE LEGO…

Lush Landscape

For my last entry to Rebrick’s ‘Help Decorate the LEGO House!’ contest I wanted to make a very lush landscape in minifig scale. I pretty recently finished my Abandoned Lot and I wanted to use the same style for this build, but again limited to the size constraints of the contest. I also wanted to…

Winter Landscape

Though I love building nature, I haven’t built much involving snow. As my second entry to Rebrick’s ‘Help Decorate the LEGO House!’ contest I decided to remedy that 🙂 When I build nature landscapes, I strive to make things look organic, which usually means adding a lot of texture and small details. However, when it…

Rural Landscape

Recently, Rebrick hosted a contest called ‘Help Decorate the LEGO House!’ – a contest where the prize was, among other things, to have your build displayed at LEGO House for 1 year! The contest had two themes: minifigures and nature. Seeing as I love building nature, this contest felt like a pretty good fit and…

Abandoned Lot

The theme for Swebrick’s Masterbuilder competition was ‘Park & Nature’ this time around, and as that is what I love to build the most, it was pretty natural for me to join 🙂 At first I had quite a few ideas of different kinds of undulating landscapes, but as some of the rules were clarified…


Two spruces that I built for a larger build that I’m working on for a competition. I rather liked how they turned out so I built a little base for them and took some nicer photos. The trunk is made with the same technique used for many of my minifig scale trees – the axe…